Prayer Times

Prayer Times in Mandera

Mandera, Kenya
, Saturday, 08 February
9 Shaban 1446
Fajr left for
Dawn Timing to end Suhoor
Sunrise Makruh
Sunset Iftar
Muslim World League, Hanafi

Namaz timetable in Mandera for February 2025

The table shows the exact time for each of the five obligatory prayers for February 2025. The calculations were carried out according to the methodology recommended by theologians for the geographical coordinates of Mandera. The method according to which the schedule is compiled and the madhhab can be changed in the settings.

Day Fajr Shuruk Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha

The schedule may differ from that adopted by local mosques. If you have the opportunity to observe sunrise and sunset on your own or hear the call to prayer (Azan) from the mosque, we recommend using your own observations.

Additional information

When is the time of the Duha prayer in Mandera?

15-20 minutes after sunrise and ends 5-10 minutes before noon (zuhr). In Mandera today (February 08) this period begins at and lasts until . It is preferable to perform closer to noon.

What time does Friday prayer start in Mandera?

Friday prayers are performed in mosques every Friday at noon (replaces zuhr).

When should I not perform prayer?

In Islam, it is forbidden (maqruh) to pray when the solar disc crosses the horizon at both sunrise and sunset, as well as when it is at the highest point of its trajectory, the zenith. The schedule for Mandera is calculated with these restrictions in mind.

Which madhab is used to calculate time in Mandera?

The default time of Asr prayer for Mandera is determined by the Hanafi madhad. Edit.

When is the witr performed?

Scholars are unanimous in their opinion that the time of performing the witr prayer comes with the coming of night and lasts until dawn. The best period falls at the beginning of the last third of the night and lasts until dawn. For February 08 in Mandera it is an interval from till .

What's the best timing for Isha?

It is preferable to complete the prayer before midnight. Remember, however, that midnight, in Shariah terms, may be at 12 o'clock or 11 o'clock, depending on the time of the year.
Namaz Sunnat Fard Sunnat Nafl Witr Nafl
Fajr 2 2 - - - -
Dhuhr 4 4 2 2 - -
Asr 4 4 - - - -
Maghrib - 3 2 - - -
Isha 4 4 2 2 3 2
Sunnah mu'aqqadah is a highly desirable, confirmed Sunnah. If a person regularly misses them without a valid reason, he will have sin on him. Gayr mu'aqqadah or Mustahab are prayers that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sometimes performed and sometimes not.

Qibla direction for Mandera

The norms of Shariah prescribe that a Muslim must pray facing the Kaaba, which is located in the Holy Mosque in Mecca. This direction for Mandera is indicated on the map. To determine it more accurately, zoom in and orient yourself by the location of nearby streets and houses.

Time Zone
Qibla Angle
Qibla Angle for Compass
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